Peoria Vocations

Everyone is called to something. What's your calling?

Catholic Diocese of Peoria : Office of Priestly Vocations
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Angel Garcia

Birth Date

January 27

Parish Location

St. Mary’s, Bloomington

Year entered the Seminary/Class of

Entered in 2024, Class of 2032

Studying at

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary

Why did you become a seminarian?

At my first Emmaus Days retreat, during the summer before 7th grade, I had an encounter with God during Adoration. I was before the Blessed Sacrament, when everything got really quiet and cold. Then I felt like someone gave me a great big hug from the inside out. In the silence I heard, “Answer the call”. Since then, I’ve strayed from that path to holiness a couple of times, as any ambitious boy would, but I believe God has asked me into the seminary to discern what “answering the call” means.

Before you entered the seminary, what were you doing?

I graduated from University High School in 2024. I also worked as a Security Guard for the City of Bloomington and as a cashier for The Home Depot.

An interesting fact about you

I hold a state title in Debate and have made four appearances at the national tournament.


Peoria Vocations

Peoria Vocations