Peoria Vocations

Everyone is called to something. What's your calling?

Catholic Diocese of Peoria : Office of Priestly Vocations
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Jarod Raber

Birth Date

February 26

Parish Location

Christ the King, Moline

Year entered the Seminary/Class of

Entered in 2022, Class of 2028

Studying at
Mundelein Seminary

Why did you become a seminarian?

As I look back on my life, I can see that God has been drawing me to Himself, as he does for everyone. Many times I have drifted away from Him and He continues to call me back. When I was 17, I experienced a grace that made me never want to drift away again. It was a gift of conviction that I needed to amend my life and serve Him. Through the guidance of holy priests and the examples of the saints, I was inspired to consider the Catholic priesthood. So here I am!

Before you entered the seminary, what were you doing?

I spent the last two years as a Civil Engineering student at Bradley University, however I spent most of my time at the Newman Center on campus where I experienced real friendship and learned to love the Church’s mission of evangelization.

An interesting fact about you:

I went to Moline High School and I was a captain on the soccer team that made it to the Sweet 16 in State. I also love to fish and play acoustic guitar.

Peoria Vocations

Peoria Vocations