Peoria Vocations

Everyone is called to something. What's your calling?

Catholic Diocese of Peoria : Office of Priestly Vocations
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Deacon Francis Strong

Birth Date

April 1

Parish Location

St. Andrew, Fairbury

Year entered the Seminary/Class of

Entered in 2018, Class of 2025

Studying at
Mundelein Seminary

Why did you become a seminarian?

Ever since I received my First Holy Communion, I had the desire to be a priest. I admired how my pastor went about his priestly duties in the parish and how he said Mass. I think Venerable Fulton Sheen says it best concerning my vocational discernment growing up: “To see a priest making his meditation before Mass does more for an altar boy’s vocation than a thousand pieces of inspirational literature.” Throughout high school and my freshman year of college, I continued praying to God to allow me to hear His voice, and after a few months of college I knew God was calling me to seminary to more vigorously discern if He is calling me to the priesthood.

Before you entered the seminary, what were you doing?

I was studying mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Parkland College.

An interesting fact about you

My dad owns Pizzas by Marchelloni in Fairbury, so I have eaten pizza almost every day of my life.

Peoria Vocations

Peoria Vocations